All Functions and Procedures

Name Unit Description
add hashmap


add_task scheduler


alloc_block pmemorymanager


b64_decode base64


b64_decode_str base64


b64_encode base64


b64_encode_str base64


backspace console

Move the caret back 1 position and remove the character within the cell the caret occupies.

backspaceWND console

Move a caret belonging to a Window back 1 position and remove the character within the cell the caret occupies.

BCDToUint8 util


bind udp


boolToString strings


bordersEnabled console

Enable or disable the drawing of the borders surrounding a Window.

BSOD util


calculateChecksum netutils


changeDirectory vfs


check_ports AHCI


clear console

Clear the Frame Buffer.

clearWND console

Clear a Window Canvas.

clearWNDEx console

Clear a Window Canvas, with the specified attributes.

CLI util


closeAllWindows console

Close all open Windows and release handles.

CloseFile vfs


closeWindow console

Close a Window specified by its Handle

combinecolors console

Combine two 16-bit values representing Foreground and Background respectively, into a 32-bit value representing an attribute.

contextIPv4Switch netutils


contextMACSwitch netutils


copyIPv4 netutils


copyMAC netutils


correctInterruptRegisters isr_types


CRC32 crc


CreateDirectory vfs


create_volume asfs


create_volume FAT32


delete hashmap


detect_volumes asfs


detect_volumes FAT32


DHCPDiscover dhcp


disable_cmd AHCI


disable_cursor console

Text mode only! - Disable the cursor/text-caret.

div6432 util


done terminal


DrawCursor mouse


drawPixel console

Draw 16-bits of pixel information at the screen position(x,y).

drawPixel32 console

Draw 32-bits of pixel information at the screen position(x,y).

drawPixel64 console

Draw 64-bits of pixel information at the screen position(x,y).

dread IDE

read/write must be capable of reading/writting any amknt of data upto disk size

dwrite IDE


enable_cmd AHCI


FileSize vfs


find_cmd_slot AHCI


flush gdt


forceQuitAll console

Forcefully close all Windows

force_alloc_block pmemorymanager


freePacketContext netutils


freeze tracer


free_block pmemorymanager


free_page vmemorymanager


free_page_at_address vmemorymanager


get hashmap


get16bitcounter util


get32bitcounter util


get64bitcounter util


getByte util


getConsoleProperties console


getDateTime RTC


getDesktopColorsPtr shell


getDeviceInfo PCI


GetDirectories vfs


getESP util


getExploreColorsPtr shell


getIPv4Config ipv4


getMAC net


getMACAddress E1000


getMaxCellH console


getMaxCellW console


getNetlogHWND netlog


getParam terminal


getParams terminal


getPixel console

Get 16-bits of pixel information from the screen position(x,y).

getPixel32 console

Get 32-bits of pixel information from the screen position(x,y).

getPixel64 console

Get 64-bits of pixel information from the screen position(x,y).

getTaskbarColorsPtr shell


getTerminalHWND terminal


getTSC util


getVMLogHWND vmlog


getWindowColorPtr console

Get a Pointer to the attribute used for Window Borders.

getWindowName console

Get the title of a specified Window.

getWord util


getWorkingDirectory terminal


getWorkingDirectory vfs


get_device_list storagemanagement


get_last_trace tracer


get_trace_count tracer


get_trace_N tracer


GPF util


halt terminal


halt_and_catch_fire util


halt_and_dont_catch_fire util


HexCharToDecimal util


hexStringToInt strings


hi util


hook ATA_ISR


hook keyboard




hook TMR_0_ISR


hook TMR_1_ISR


identify_device IDE


inb util


init AHCI


init asfs

nullsectors : array[0..1024] of TFileEntry; //cache some null entry pointers for effeciency sake

init base64_prog


init console

Initialize the Frame Buffer & Window Manager ready for use.

init cpu


init dhclient


init drivermanagement


init E1000


init edit


init FAT32


init faults


init gdt


init IDE


init idt


init irq


init isr


init isrmanager


init keyboard


init lmemorymanager


init md5sum


init memview


init mouse


init net


init netlog


init PCI


init pmemorymanager


init progmanager

Initialize all baked-in programs

init RTC


init scheduler


init serial


init shell


init splash


init storagemanagement


init system


init terminal


init testdriver


init themer


init tracer


init tss


init udpcat


init USB


init vbeinfo


init vfs


init vmemorymanager


init vmlog


init vmstate


inl util


INTE util


intToString strings


inw util


io_wait util


IPEqual netutils


IPv4ToMAC arp


kalloc lmemorymanager


kfree lmemorymanager


klalloc lmemorymanager


klfree lmemorymanager


kmain kernel


kpalloc lmemorymanager

Todo ??? Profit?

lang_USA keyboard


LL_Add lists


LL_Delete lists


LL_Free lists


LL_FromString lists


LL_Get lists


LL_Insert lists


LL_New lists

Managed Linked List

LL_Size lists


lo util


load AHCI


load EHCI


load IDE


load OHCI


load UHCI


load XHCI


loadDeviceConfig PCI


MACEqual netutils


MACToIIPv4 arp


map_page vmemorymanager


map_page_ex vmemorymanager


MD5Buffer md5


MD5Final md5


MD5Init md5


MD5To32 md5


MD5Update md5


memcpy util


memset util


mouseEnabled console

Enable or disable the mouse.

MsSinceSystemBoot util


new hashmap


newEx hashmap


newPacketContext netutils


newVirtualDirectory vfs

VFS Functions

newWindow console

Spawn a new Window at cell(x,y) with specified Width, Height and Title.

new_block pmemorymanager


new_kernel_mapped_page_directory vmemorymanager


new_page vmemorymanager


new_page_at_address vmemorymanager


new_page_directory vmemorymanager


OpenFile vfs


outb util


outl util


Output console

Simple console write for debugging.

outputChar console

Draw an ASCII char to raw screen space conforming to cell constraints.

outputCharToScreenSpace console

Draw an ASCII char to raw screen space.

outputCharTransparent console

Draw an ASCII char without a background to raw screen space conforming to cell constraints.

Outputln console

Simple console writeln for debugging.

OutputlnWND console

Simple console writeln for debugging to a Window.

OutputWND console

Simple console write for debugging to a Window.

outw util


page_mappable vmemorymanager


paramCount terminal


PathValid vfs


ping_err icmp


ping_rep icmp


pop_trace tracer


port_rebase AHCI


printMap hashmap


printmemory util


printmemoryWND util


psleep util


push_trace tracer


rand16 rand


rand32 rand


rand8 rand


read AHCI


ReadFile vfs


readPIO28 IDE

procedure flush();

readStatus E1000


receive serial


recv net


redrawWindows console

Redraw all of the Window adhearing to Z-Order.

register ACE


register arp


register ATA_ISR


register BPE


register BTSSE


register CFE


register CSOE


register DBGE


register DBZ


register DFE


register dhcp


register eth2


register GPF


register icmp


register IDOE


register IOPE


register ipv4


register MCE


register NCE


register NMIE


register OOBE


register PF




register SFE


register SNPE


register TMR_0_ISR


register TMR_1_ISR


register udp


register UIE


registerCommand terminal


registerCommandEx terminal


registerDevice vfs


registerDrive vfs

Driver Functions

registerEventHandler console

Register an Event Handler to a Window

registerISR isrmanager


registerNetworkCard net


registerNextLayer net


registerProtocol ipv4


registerType eth2


registerTypePromisc eth2


register_device drivermanagement


register_device storagemanagement


register_driver drivermanagement


register_driver_ex drivermanagement


register_filesystem storagemanagement


register_volume storagemanagement


reload gdt


requestConfig PCI

(Will in future)returns TPCI_DEVICE.vendor_id := 0xFFFF if no device found.

resetSystem util


resolveIP arp


RolDWord util


RorDWord util


run terminal


sameSubnetIPv4 netutils


scanBus PCI


send arp


send eth2


send ipv4


send net


send serial


send udp


sendGratuitous arp


sendHex serial


sendICMPRequest icmp


sendPacket E1000


sendRequest arp


sendString serial


setBusMaster PCI


setCursorPosWND console

Set the caret belonging to a Window to a specified position.

setdefaultattribute console

Set the default set of attributes to be used when drawing to the screen.

setMousePosition console

Set the position of the mouse cursor relative to screen space.

SetShellWindow console

Set a specified Window as a Shell Window (Window cannot be moved or closed).

setWindowColors console

Set the attributes used for drawing the border around Windows.

setWNDVisible console

Change a Windows visibility.

setWorkingDirectory terminal


set_gate gdt


set_gate idt


sinb serial


sleep util


soutb serial


srand rand


STI util


stringConcat strings


stringContains strings


stringCopy strings


stringEquals strings


stringIndexOf strings


stringNew strings


stringReplace strings


stringSize strings


stringSub strings


stringToInt strings


stringToIPv4 netutils


stringToLower strings


stringToMAC netutils


stringToUpper strings


stringTrim strings


STRLL_Add lists

String Linked List

STRLL_Clear lists


STRLL_Delete lists


STRLL_Free lists


STRLL_FromString lists


STRLL_Get lists


STRLL_New lists


STRLL_Size lists


switchendian util


switchendian16 util


switchendian32 util


tick_update bios_data_area


toggleWNDVisible console

Toggle the visibility of a Window.

unbind udp


unhook ATA_ISR




unhook TMR_0_ISR


unhook TMR_1_ISR


verifyChecksum netutils


vtop vmemorymanager


weekdayToString RTC


write AHCI


writebin16 console

Write a 16-bit value as binary to the console.

writebin16ex console

Write a 16-bit value as binary to the console, with the specified attributes.

writebin16exWND console

Write a 16-bit value as binary to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writebin16ln console

Write an 16-bit value as binary to the console, followed by a new-line.

writebin16lnex console

Write a 16-bit value as binary + new-line to the console, with the specified attributes.

writebin16lnexWND console

Write a 16-bit value as binary + new-line to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writebin16lnWND console

Write an 16-bit value as binary to a Window, followed by a new-line.

writebin16WND console

Write a 16-bit value as binary to a Window.

writebin32 console

Write a 32-bit value as binary to the console.

writebin32ex console

Write a 32-bit value as binary to the console, with the specified attributes.

writebin32exWND console

Write a 32-bit value as binary to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writebin32ln console

Write an 32-bit value as binary to the console, followed by a new-line.

writebin32lnex console

Write a 32-bit value as binary + new-line to the console, with the specified attributes.

writebin32lnexWND console

Write a 32-bit value as binary + new-line to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writebin32lnWND console

Write an 32-bit value as binary to a Window, followed by a new-line.

writebin32WND console

Write a 32-bit value as binary to a Window.

writebin8 console

Write an 8-bit value as binary to the console.

writebin8ex console

Write an 8-bit value as binary to the console, with the specified attributes.

writebin8exWND console

Write an 8-bit value as binary to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writebin8ln console

Write an 8-bit value as binary to the console, followed by a new-line.

writebin8lnex console

Write an 8-bit value as binary + new-line to the console, with the specified attributes.

writebin8lnexWND console

Write an 8-bit value as binary + new-line to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writebin8lnWND console

Write an 8-bit value as binary to a Window, followed by a new-line.

writebin8WND console

Write an 8-bit value as binary to a Window.

writechar console

Write a single 8-bit character to the screen.

writecharex console

Write a single 8-bit character to the screen, specifying custom color attributes.

writecharexWND console

Write a single 8-bit character to a Window, specifying custom color attributes.

writecharln console

Write a single 8-bit character to the screen, followed by starting a new line.

writecharlnex console

Write a single 8-bit character to the screen, followed by starting a new line, specifying custom color attributes.

writecharlnexWND console

Write a single 8-bit character to a Window, followed by starting a new line, specifying custom color attributes.

writecharlnWND console

Write a single 8-bit character to a Window, followed by starting a new line.

writecharWND console

Write an ASCII character to a specified Window.

writeConfig PCI


WriteFile vfs


writehex console

Write a 32-bit value as Hex Pairs to the console.

writehexex console

Write a 32-bit value as Hex Pairs to the console, with the specified attributes.

writehexexWND console

Write a 32-bit value as Hex Pairs to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writehexln console

Write a 32-bit value as Hex Pairs to the console, followed by a new-line.

writehexlnex console

Write a 32-bit value as Hex Pairs + new-line to the console, with the specified attributes.

writehexlnexWND console

Write a 32-bit value as Hex Pairs + new-line to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writehexlnWND console

Write a 32-bit value as Hex Pairs to a Window, followed by a new-line.

writehexpair console

Write an 8-bit Hex Pair to the console.

writehexpairExWND console

Write an 8-bit Hex Pair to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writehexpairWND console

Write an 8-bit Hex Pair to a Window.

writehexWND console

Write a 32-bit value as Hex Pairs to a Window.

writeint console

Write a 32-bit value to the console.

writeintex console

Write a 32-bit value to the console, with the specified attributes.

writeintexWND console

Write a 32-bit value to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writeintln console

Write a 32-bit value to the console followed by a new-line.

writeintlnex console

Write a 32-bit value + new-line to the console, with the specified attributes.

writeintlnexWND console

Write a 32-bit value + new-line to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writeintlnWND console

Write a 32-bit value to a Window followed by a new-line.

writeintWND console

Write a 32-bit value to a Window.

writeIPv4Address netutils


writeIPv4AddressEx netutils


writeMACAddress netutils


writeMACAddressEx netutils


writePIO28 IDE


writestring console

Write a NULL terminated string to the console.

writestringex console

Write a NULL terminated string to the console, with the specified attributes.

writestringexWND console

Write a NULL terminated string to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writestringln console

Write a NULL terminated string to the console, followed by a new-line.

writestringlnex console

Write a NULL terminated string + new-line to the console, with the specified attributes.

writestringlnexWND console

Write a NULL terminated string + new-line to a Window, with the specified attributes.

writestringlnWND console

Write a NULL terminated string to a Window, followed by a new-line.

writestringWND console

Write a NULL terminated string to a Window.

writeToLog net


writeToLogLn net


_increment_x console

Increment the cursor one cell to the right (x+1).

_increment_x_WND console

Increment the cursor within a Window one cell to the right (x+1).

_increment_y console

Increment the cursor one cell down (y+1).

_increment_y_WND console

Increment the cursor within a Window one cell down (y+1).

_MouseClick console

Callback for a MouseClick event.

_MouseDown console

Callback for a MouseDown event.

_MouseUp console

Callback for a MouseUp event.

_newline console

Increment the cursor one cell down and reposition it at the first X Cell (y+1, x=0),performing a Y-Axis scroll when needed.

_newlineWND console

Increment the cursor within a Window one cell down and reposition it at the first X Cell (y+1, x=0),performing a Y-Axis scroll when needed.

_safeincrement_x console

Increment the cursor one cell to the right (x+1), wrapping to the next line and performing a Y-Axis scroll when when needed.

_safeincrement_x_WND console

Increment the cursor within a Window one cell to the right (x+1), wrapping to the next line and performing a Y-Axis scroll when when needed.

_safeincrement_y console

Increment the cursor one cell down (y+1), performing a Y-Axis roll when when needed.

_safeincrement_y_WND console

Increment the cursor one cell down (y+1), performing a Y-Axis roll when when needed.

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